Colli Hills
The Consorzio Pro Loco Berici Hills
Consorzio Colli Berici-Basso Vicentino is the association of all the Pro Locos of the Colli Berici and South Vicenza Province Area. Pro Locos are associations of volunteers who work to promote local heritage and products and to safeguard the environment those traditions and products were born into.
The Consorzio is a means to coordinate all the activities of the different Pro Locos, and its office works as an information point for tourists (I.A.T.). All through the year, visitors can take part to gastronomical events the Consorzio organizes to make local products be known, like Berico truffle, olives and olive oil, Lumignano peas, wines, hams etc. "A tavola sui Berici", "Prosciuttando", "Ulivo e Tartufo" are just a few of them.
The Consorzio has also taken up the important task of promoting local heritage through guided tours such as "Sabato in Villa" and "Domenica sui Colli" that accompany the tourist through pleasant trips at the discovery of our artistic and architectural treasures, or such as "Quattro passi a..." and other holyday packages, to lead them on the hillside-paths. They are all chances you have to experience the beauty of Berici Hills. There are also theme-itineraries, like the "Berica Stone itinerary" or the "From the land to the table itinerary".