
36020 Agugliaro (VI)
Districts: Finale, Sopra L''Acqua
Area: 14.63 Kmq
AMSL height: 13m
Inhabitants: 1258 (in 1998)
Name's origin:It is hard to assert what the name of the town originally was, since it has come down to us in many different forms: Aguiglarium, Aquilarium, Agugiaro, Aquilario e Lagugiaro. Some link it with with aquila (=eagle) or acucula (=a thicket).
History: Agugliaro first appears in a 1297-1303 document, where Agugiaro'schurch is mentioned. From 1288, 14th and 15th century documents it seems that what is now Agugliaro's territory alone was shared by two different towns: Agugliaro and the today no-more-existent Fogliascheda. In 1462 Alessandro Pigafetta bought from Serenissima Republic of Venice the town and territory of Agugliaro as a county, and in 1473 and in 1481 Matteo Pigafetta bought land from the Dal Verme family, which seems to have in a very ancient past the most conspicuous in Agugliaro (from Il Veneto paese per paese", Casa Editrice Bonechi)
St Mark's Fair, in Calliana, 25th April
St Bortolo's Fair on the third sunday of august.
Pro Loco di Agugliaro
Council's PR:
Tel: 0444.891003
Fax: 0444.891389
Postal office:
Via Umberto I& eg;
Tel. 0444.891001

Via De Salvi, 36
36020 Albettone (VI)
Districts: Lovertino and Lovolo Vicentino
Population: 1990
Name's origin: this name apparently comes from "al betone", from "bodo" (ditch), meaning "ditchside-town".
Council's PR:
Tel: 0444.790001
Fax: 0444.790073
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or send an e-mail to this address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Via Roma, 1
36040 Alonte (VI)
Districts: Corlanzone, Stamberga.
Area: 11.16 Kmq
AMSL height: 13m
Population: 1200 (in 2001)
Name's origin: the name may hint to an Alona stream on whose shore the eponymous village was built.
History: The numerous palaeoveneti findings found in località Molini testify to the presence in this territory of a palaeoveneti hamlet. Alonte first appears in a 753 AD paper, Alonte is also amongst the land Mantua's Bishop sold to a marquis Almerico in the 10th century. In Alonte there were also some of the properties of Antipope Honorius II. It seems that in the late 9th century, during the notorious Hungarians' invasions, Alonte was fortified and became a castle. Little is known about the castle anyway, which was probably destroyed in 1312. In 1312 Alonte was indeed pillaged and burned to smotherings: the smoke could be seen from as far as Lonigo (Maccà). During the Veronese rule, Alonte belonged to the vicentine De Proti family: a document dated 27 July 1393 confirmed Giampietro De Proti rights over Alonte, Corlanzone and Mocendre. Later on, the Traversi family took over.
St.Valentine's Fair in Corlanzone
Spring Day on April 25th, &ldquo
Walking in Alonte: a walk in Berici Hills' nature, in June
Musical and theater Summer al fresco from June to September
St.Michael's Fair in September in Corlanzone.
Pro Loco Alonte
Ass. Naz. Combattenti e Reduci
Gruppo Alpini
Corlanzone Moto Club “Epoca Turismo e non solo”
Orienteering Club Alonte
Gruppo Arcieri.
Tel. 0444.439203
Fax 0444.835229
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio tecnico:
Tel. 0444.437704
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ragioneria - Ufficio Tributi
Telefono: 0444.439203
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Postale:
Via Roma
Tel. 0444.830137
Asigliano Veneto

Asigliano Veneto
Via IV Novembre, 3
36020 Asigliano Veneto (VI)
Area: 8,10 km².
Population: 926.
AMSL height: between 16 and 22 m SL.
Name's origin: it has not been established; the town is first mentioned in a decree by emperor Frederick I in 1158 as Assillanum. It was only in the 20th century that the name definitely came to be Asigliano.
Council's PR
Tel. 0444.872014
Fax: 0444.872287
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Uffici Demografici:
Tel. 0444.872014
Fax 0444.872287
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Ragioneria
Tel. 0444.872014
Fax 0444.872287
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Tecnico
Tel. 0444.872014
Fax 0444.872287
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Piazza Mariano Rumor, n.15
Population: 7582.
Council's PR:
Tel. 0444.530622
Fax: 0444.240450
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Arcugnano's library
Via G. Marconi, 8
36057 Arcugnano
Tel. e fax: 0444.550051
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Segreteria, Ufficio Commercio e Licenze
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. 0444.530622 (centralino)
Ufficio Ragioneria, Ufficio Tributi e Servizi:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. 0444.530622 (centralino)
Uffici Demografici (Anagrafe, Stato Civile, Elettorale, Leva Militare)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. 0444.530094
Fax diretto 0444.247203
Uffici Tecnici:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. 0444.530049
Fax diretto 0444.241174
Ufficio Assistente Sociale:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. 0444.530622 (centralino)
Ufficio di Polizia Municipale:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. 0444.545311
Gruppo Astrofili Vicentini "Girgio Abetti"
Via S. Giustina 127
36057 Arcugnano (VI)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Informazioni prese dal sito:
Barbarano - Mossano

Barbarano - Mossano
More information is available on Barbarano's official website at:
Piazza Roma, 35
36021 Barbarano Vicentino (VI)
Districts: Ponte di Barbarano.
Località: Mezzana, Monticello, San Giovanni in Monte, San Pancrazio.
Area: 20 Kmq
AMSL height: 45m
Population: 3780 (in 2000)
Name's origin: probably from Latin fundus Barbarianus, taht is, Barbarius' land, property.
History: archaeological findings testify to the presence of a village in this territory long before the Roman era. Barbarano's castle used to be one of the most important in Vicenza during the Middle Ages: tradition says it was built in the 8th century, but it is first mentioned only in a imperial decree of year 1000 AD, when the Emperor bestowd the fief of Barbarano onto the Bishop of Vicenza. After having fallen for a short time in ezzelino da Romano's hands, it was gained back by the Bishop who lost it definitely to Verona's lords in 1312. They made of Barbarano the headquarter of a huge administrative district, and, after the wars between the lords of Verona and Padua, Barbarano with all of Vicenza became part of the Republic of Venice in 1404.
Pro Colli Berici (Barbarano, Piazza Roma 35)
Pro Loco Ponte (Ponte di Barbarano, Via Crispi 17)
Gruppo Escursionistico Barbarano (San Giovanni in Monte)
Orienteering Barbarano (Via IV Novembre)
Coro Amici della Musica (Via Ponte 63, tel. 0444.795471)
Gruppo AIDO (Via Fermi, tel. 0444.886507)
Gruppo Teatrale "Nuovo Teatro Berico" (Via Ferretto, tel. 0444.886096)
Società Operaia Mutuo Soccorso (Via Marinoni, tel. 0444.886476)
Associazione Alpini Barbarano (Via Vittorio, tel. 0444.886148)
Associazione Alpini Ponte di Barbarano (Via Zanella, tel. 0444.896773)
S.O.G.I.T. (Via Fermi, tel. 0444.886507)
Associazione A.C.A.T. (Via IV Novembre)
Combattenti e Reduci Barbarano (Via Mezzana 7)
Combattenti e Reduci Ponte di Barbarano (Via Pila 6, tel. 0444.896608)
Gruppo Campanari (Via Fermi, tel. 0444.886507)
Consulta dell''Anziano (Via Europa).
Centralino e Anagrafe:
Tel. 0444.788314-328-307
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Servizi tecnici
Tel. 0444.788310 - 320 - 319
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Servizi Econimico Finanziari
Tel. 0444.788309 - 334
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Servizi demografici
Tel. 0444/788311 - 306
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Servizi sociali
Tel. 0444/788303
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Polizia Municipale:
Tel. 0444.788304
Biblioteca Comunale:
Via Fermi 21
Tel. 0444.776061
Ufficio Postale:
Via IV Novembre
Tel. 0444.886775
Ponte di Barbarano
Via Giovanni XXIII
Tel. 0444.795338
U.L.S.S. n°6:
Via Giovanni XXIII
Tel. 0444.896618
Soccorso dell''Ordine di San Giovanni inItalia / Servizio Volontario Ambulanze:
Via Zonato
Tel. 0444.776070

Piazza Marconi, 1
36040 Brendola (VI)
Sito web:
Località e frazioni: Vò, Pedocchio, San Vito, Cà Nova, Cà Vecchie, Goia, Rondole e San Valentino
Superficie: 25,52 Kmq
Altitudine: min 39 max 343 m.s.l.m.
Abitanti: 6231
Origine Toponimo: Origine del nome. Forse dal vocabolo "brento", con significato di conca; tenendo conto del veneziano "brendolo", cioè trogolo dell'arrotino, il nome può aver tratto origine da qualche scavo, nel terreno, a forma di conca, o anche dalla presenza di qualche trogolo, vasca o tino d'acqua.
Storia: Brendola ha un lontano passato, testimoniato anche da numerosi reperti archeologici rinvenuti in diverse località. La prima segnalazione di ritrovamenti di epoca romana risale al 1682, quando venne rinvenuta una tomba intatta con corredo composto di vasi di terracotta. Dal 1946 in poi si sono succeduti numerosi rinvenimenti di materiale archeologico, alcuni dei quali sono esposti presso la sala consigliare del palazzo municipale. La scoperta più importante, comunque, risale al 1995 quando, in località Soastene, venne rinvenuta una strada risalente al Neolitico. E’ la strada più antica finora scoperta e questo dimostra come, sin dal Neolitico, Brendola fu abitata. La storia di Brendola, tuttavia, si accentra attorno al suo Castello (o Rocca dei Vescovi), che per molti secoli rappresentò la struttura del potere ed il centro di una giurisdizione civile e vescovile. Il primo accenno storico al Castello lo si ha nel 983 in un privilegio concesso da Ottone III al Vescovo di Vicenza. Nella seconda metà del XI secolo, durante le lotte per le Investiture tra il papa e l'imperatore, numerose furono le lotte tra nobili e vescovo che si protrassero sino al XII secolo. Durante questo periodo, comunque, Ezzelino da Romano ridusse quasi alla miseria la diocesi vicentina. Solamente dopo la morte di Ezzelino i vescovi di Vicenza riacquistarono il possesso del castello. Nel 1311 Vicenza passò agli Scaligeri, Signori di Verona, i quali occuparono anche il castello di Brendola. Nel 1413 il castello venne gravemente danneggiato dai mercenari ungheresi guidati da Pippo Spano, mentre nel 1513 la rocca venne occupata dagli spagnoli per esser ripresa, l'anno successivo, dalla Serenissima ad opera del generale Bartolomeo d'Alviano. Da questo momento la Rocca dei Vescovi perde la sua importante funzione di centro di potere. Per Brendola si apre un nuovo periodo di storia che si inserisce in quella più ampia della Repubblica di Venezia prima e dell'Italia dopo.
Eventi paesani:
Festa di San Rocco 27-28 febbraio 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 marzo
Sagra dell'Assunta a metà agosto
Tel: 0444.400727
Fax: 0444.401099
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Campiglia Dei Berici

Campiglia Dei Berici
More informayion is available on Campiglia dei Berici's official website at:
Area: 10,94 Kmq.
amsl height.: 16 m.
Population (2001): 1.800 .
Distance from Vicenza: 28 Km.
Patron saint: St Peter the Apostle (29th June).
Town Hall:
Via Roma, 7
36020 Campiglia dei berici (VI)
Name's origin:from the Latin word campus, ie, cultivated land.
History: during the Middle Ages this territory was owned by the Bishops of Vicenza. It was defended by a castle, destroyed in 1194. In 1217 it was bought off by the noble Repeta family. The old Parish Church was built in the 13th century and restored in 1679. Inside we can see a 16th century terracotta Madonna and a beautiful canvas in Tiepolo's style. The new St.Peter's Parish Church was built in the late 19th century and completed in 1925. The villa Repeta-Mocenigo-Bressan in 1672 on the smotherings of the one Palladio had designed for Mario Repeta, and has beautifully frescoed interiors.
Town's Fetes
St. Valentine's Fair at the old Parish Curch, on February's second Sunday
St Peter's Fair: 29th June
Pavarano's Fair: 5th August
Ottobre Campigliese: October
Council's PR
Tel. 0444.866030
Fax: 0444.866038
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Via Roma
Tel. 0444.866027
Parrocchia S. Pietro Apostolo:
Via Nazionale, 7
Tel. 0444.866019
Poste e telegrafi:
Via Nazionale
Tel. 0444.866014

More information available on Castegnero's official website at:
via Ponte, 64
36020 Castegnero (VI)
Districts: Ponte di Castegnero, Villaganzerla.
Area: 11.63 Kmq
AMSL height: 57m
Inhabitants: 2409 (nel 2000)
Market day: on Saturday morning in Piazza Marconi (Ponte di Castegnero
Name origin: the most likely explanation for the name is the one that links it to the chestnut (castagno), of which there might have been many in older days. The town must date back from Roman times, since it was traditional for Romans to name towns after some natural feature of the zone. Others do anyway relate this name to the Germanic Castrum nedum, a kind of fortress, a hypothesis that could be supported by the fact that in a 1219 document the town is called Castelniero, and by the presence of a "Via Castello", that suggests some kind of now disappeared ancient military building.
History:Castegnero territory has been inhabited ever since prehistoric times, especially on the hills, as many archaeological findings prove. During the Longobard domination of Italy, that lasted for about 2 centuries, Castegnero, due to its strategical location, became a military outpost; the Longobardic presence in Castegnero might also be confirmed by the title-saint of the local church, St.George, much worshipped by all Longobards. After the arrival of Benedektine monks, in the late 8th century, who supported massive improvements in agriculture, the landscape of Castegnero slowly but dramatically changed, as they promoted the claiming of swamps, the clearing of woods, as well as the building of hospitals and shelters for the poor. In a 1431 and in a 1443 document it is recorded the presence in Castegnero of a St.Michael's Hospital. In 1322, when the Veronese Scaligeri lords conquered Vicenza, Castegnero's fortress was destroyed. In 1404 it began for Castegnero the relatively undisturbed age of Venice's dominion. During this period, Castegnero and Villaganzerla were two distinct boroughs, with distinct administration; Villaganzerla was absorbed into Castegnero in 1816, by imperial decree.
Fiera di San Giuseppe from 03/15th to 03/25th
Cherry Market from 05/15th to 06/15th
Chestnuts' March - walk through Berici Hills in november
Bisatto River's Fair in september
Memorial " Federico, Daniel, Andrea, Paolo” from 06/18th to 07/13th.
Pro Loco,
Consulta degli Anziani,
Ass. Alpini di Castegnero,
Ass. Alpini di Villaganzerla,
Ass. Combattenti e Reduci,
Club Amici del Bisatto,
Chiave di Svolta,
Comitato Festa dea Siaresa,
Comitato Manifestazioni Popolari,
G.S. Ciclisti Arte Casa, A.C. Astonvilla.
Tel. 0444.639013
Fax 0444.730050
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Uffici Demografici:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Tecnico:
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Servizi Sociali:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Ragioneria:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Tributi
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Postale:
Via Ponte 19
Biblioteca Comunale:
Via Piastrini
Tel. 0444.638221
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More information is available on Longare's official website at:
via Marconi, 26
36023 Longare (VI)
Districts: Costozza, Lumignano, Secula.
Population: 5352
AMSL height: 29 m.
Area: 22 Kmq.
Name's origin: Longare: from Longarì, a town outstretched along a river, or from Longari, the Hungarians that during the Middle Ages often raided this land; Costozza: from Custodia, a fortress, or because once prisoners were kept in custody in Costozza caves. Lumignano: from Lumen Iani, place where a temple of Ianus used to be, or from the torches that were used to shed light inside the caves.
History: the earliest inhabitants of Longare used to dwell in the caves. In time they would start building huts and villages near the watercoures, in sheltered places. During Roman domination Costozza's white stone was much appreciated, and Costozza became a busy trading centre, until the Huns' invasion (452) when it all suddenly came to an end. Costozza did ayway survive during the Longobards' rule: ifrom a 753 document we know that some Anselmo sold Costozza to the Benedektine monastery Nonantola, near Modena. Thus we know exactly when the monks arrived to Costozza and started their work of ammelioration of local agricultural and economical conditions. S.Mauro's Church soon became the mother-church of many more local churches, and, as Costozza belonged to his personal posessions, Vicenza's Bishop had a large castle built there. On the 13th of June 1292 Costozza approved its first Comune Constitution. During the following century, the continuous wars between Padua and Verona, that Vicenza was not able to fight off, left the population impoverished and forlorn. From 1404 on Longare belonged to the Republic of Venice: during this relatively peaceful age Costozza stona became popular again, as it a main feature in the building of villas and palazzi. After the fall of the Rupublic, Costozza and Lumignano slowly began to decline as administrative centre, to the advantage of Longare. In 1866, when Veneto was united to the Kingdom of Italy, Longare's preheminence over the neighbouring towns was officially ratified by the status of comune.
Pro Loco Longare
Gruppo Volontari Colli Berici Protezione Civile
Ass. Micologica Bresadola (Via Municipio)
Ass. Ambientalista di Longare (Via Ronchi 43)
Ass. Alpini Longare
Ass. Alpini Lumignano Via Campanonta)
Ass. Alpini Costozza (Via delle Grotte)
Coro Polifonico della Pieve di S. Mauro Abate
Coro Alpino Lumignano
Ass. di Volontariato Età Libera (Via Crosara)
Ass. Donatori di Sangue di Lumignano (Piazza Mazzaretto)
Alcolisti Anonimi Gruppo Riviera Berica
Comitato Genitori Scuola Media B. Bizio
Ass. Combattenti Reduci e Simpatizzanti (via Marconi 22)
Ass. Fanti Longare (Via Marconi 41)
Circolo Filatelico Longare (Via Municipio)
Ass. Nazionale Carabinieri sez. Longare (Via Settimo 70)
Circolo ANSPI S. Maria Maddalena (c/o parrocchia di Longare)
Gruppo Podisti Longare
U. S. Calcio Debba (Via E. De Nicola)
Gruppo Ginnastica e Giochi (Via Fiume 9)
A.C. Salin Longare Costozza (c/o stadio comunale via dei Martinelli)
U. S. Pallavolo Longare (Via Roma 176)
C.S.I. Lumignano (via Borgo 32).
Tel. 0444.555012
Fax 0444.953441
Registry office
Tel. 0444.953137
Fax: 0444.953441
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Buisness - Secretary - protocol
Tel. 0444.555012
Fax: 0444/953441
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Technical office Tel. 0444.555444
Fax: 0444.953441
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Taxes and accounting
Tel. 0444.555012
Fax: 0444.953441
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Social services
Tel. 0444.555290
Fax: 0444.953441
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Municipal Police:
Tel. 0444.555027
Comunal Library:
Via Marconi, 30
Tel. 0444.953262
Fax 0444.956322
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ULSS n. 6:
Via Marconi, 24
Tel. 0444.555596 / 555863
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More information available on Lonigo's official website at:
Via Castelgiuncoli, 5
Lonigo (VI)
Population: 15432.
Public relations:
Tel. 0444.720211
Fax: 0444.834887
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Accounting office:
Tel. 0444.720270
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Buisness office:
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Culture office:
Tel. 0444.720277
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Social services
Tel. 0444.720276
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. 0444832160
Fax: 0444.438182
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. 0444.831111
Fax: 0444.834394
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More information available on Montegalda's official website at:
Piazza Marconi
36047 Montegalda (VI)
Districts: Colzè
Area: 17.68 Kmq
AMSL height: min 27m max 78m
Population: 3019 (in 1998)
Name's origin:called "Monte Garda" by Albertino Mussato who also wrote of a castle on the hill, this town is named after the longobardic warda, a military outpost derives its place name from the warda longobarda, a kind of formation similar to the Lake Garda. The Longobards' presence in this place is also confirmed by St.Giustina's Church, a Saint the Longobards were very devout to.
History: Montegalda was inhabited since the Roman era, as a Roman inscribed stone and a bronze piece prov, but we only find it mentioned in a 968 document. In the 11th century it belonged to Padua, and was bought by Vicenza in 1150. According to the "Liber regiminum civitatis Padue" the castle was built on Mount Buso in 1176 on the remnants of the Longobards' fortress. Being halfway through Vicenza and Padua, it had to suffer much during the Communes' Age wars. Repetedly destroyed and rebuilt, the castle also gave hospitality to condottieri Jacopo Dal Verme and Facino Cane. In 1475 the Serenissima epublic gave to Chiereghino Chiericati as a token of gratitude for his loyalty. In 1511 Emperor Maximilian stayd in the castle, and in 1514 it was taken by the Spanish troops; in the 18th century the castle was eventually turned into a villa. Worth visiting is also Villa Roi-Cobalchini-Fogazzaro, where writer Antonio Fogazzaro spent a few years and set some chapter of his novel "Little Modern World".
St.Mark's Fete on April 25
Colzè's Fair on sept's last Sunday
Monte Croce Road-chapel's Fair on the first Sunday after Grisignano's Fair
Santa Giustina's Fete on october's 2nd Sunday
Baccalaà's Feast on the first sunday of october
Marcia dei Sette Colli in spring.
Pro Loco Montegalda
Consulta Giovani
Consulta Anziani
Gruppo Alpini
Comitato Biblioteca
Ass. Combattenti e Reduci
Compagnia Teatrale Filodrammatica "I Gualdi"
Comitato Eremo di San Marco
Cori Parrocchiali Adulti e Giovani
Gruppo Ciclisti
U.S. Colzè
A.C. Due Monti SetteColli
G.S. Audace, Montevolley
A.C.A.T.-Club San Marco 650.
Exchange and commercial office:
Tel. 0444.736413 / 736414
Fax. 0444.636567
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Registry office and Elettoral civil status:
Tel.0444.736411 / 736412
Fax 0444 636567
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Finance office:
Tel. 0444.736415 / 736416
Fax: 0444.636567
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Technic office and territorial
Tel. 0444.736419 / 736420
Fax. 0444.636567
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
City Library
Tel. 0444.736417
Fax: 0444.636567
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Local Police
Tel. 0444.610478
Fax 0444.610944
Postal Office:
Viale Dino Cattaneo, 36
Tel. 0444.737006
Sanatary District Sud-Est:
Viale Dino Cattaneo, 92
Tel. 0444.636215

More information available on Montegaldella's oficial website at:
Via Roma, 9
36040 Montegaldella (VI)
Districts: Ghizzole.
Area: 13.64 Kmq
AMSL height: 23m
Population: 1745 (nel 1998)
Market-day: Monday
Name's origin: it is hard to assert the origin of this placename: it may be related to some monscalidae o monscalidulae(a spa); or the German Warte, military outpost, or Wald, a forest; again the German Halde, a slope; Galdi , the Tartarian God of Fire; Mons Gaudii, the Hill of Pleasure, becouse of the healthy weather or the fertile land; Monte Claudia, possession of the Roman Claudia Gens; it may even refer to Roman Emperor Galba (5 a.C.-69 d.C.), successor of Nero, who maybe fought a battle hereby; Guald, a German family come to Vicenza in 960 in the train of Emperor Otto II (955-983) and was given land in this territory; Galdio, Galdere, Galdenza, Galdimento used in the 14th century as synonims of fief; Gualdana (Waldam, assault), a German word meaning bandits, raiders. etc. etc. etc. E dato che Montegalda era stata luogo di ripetuti incontri tra Padovani e Vicentini per giostrare dapprima e successivamente per battagliare davvero, può essere che ne sia derivato il toponimo di Montegalda. Opinione, dello storico e poeta padovano Albertino Mussato, (Padova 1261-Chioggia 1329) sull''etimologia Montegalda e, di riflesso Montegaldella: Mussato sostiene che Montegalda è la correzione di Montegarda, inteso come il sito posto a guardia per vigilare. In tal modo Montegalda sarebbe un baluardo di difesa per il Vicentino Orientale, come per l''Occidente sarebbe quello di Montebello (Mons belli). Montegaldella dunque, come una sorta di sentinella, di guardia verso il Padovano, quella posta al di là del Bacchiglione, alle pendici degli Euganei, lungo la fossa Bandezzà, linea di divisione, oggi come ieri, tra i municipi di Padova e Vicenza, e luogo di stanza delle insegne militari Padovane.
History: this town seems to have been founded by the Longobards, as it is testified by a Longobardic chapel discovered in the foundations of St.Micheal's Church. In the heart of the town there is a villa so pretty it is nicknamed The Delightful. An ancient tower adjoining this villa let us suppose it used to be a castle, not distant from the Montegalda one, which is very likely, this being once a borderland between Vicenza and Padua.
Polenta and Soppressa Fete in may
Contrade Fete in June
San Tarcisio's Fete in Ghizzole in late August.
Pro Loco
Gruppo Giovani Protagonisti
Associazione Donatori di Sangue
Associazione Cacciatori
Associazione Coltivatori Diretti
Associazione Gruppo Alpini Volontari
Associazione Combattenti e Reduci
Associazione Campanari
Associazione culturale "Bosco delle Fate"
Associazione Carabinieri
Associazione Pescatori
U.S. Due Monti Calcio.
Centralino, Anagrafe, stato civile, elettorale, leva, protocollo, Ragioneria, tributi e commercio, Ufficio tecnico, Assistente sociale:
Tel. 0444.636012 / 635151
Fax 0444.635124
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Polizia Municipale
Tel. 0444.610478
Fax: 0444.610944
Ufficio Postale:
Via Roma
Tel. 0444.737012

More information is available on Nanto's official website at:
Nanto Town-Hall:
Via Mercato, 43
36024 Nanto (VI)
Districts: Bosco di Nanto, Ponte di Nanto.
Localities;: Monti di Nanto, Brazzolaro.
Area: 14.51 Kmq
AMSL height: da 20m a 420m
Population: 2278 (in 2001)
Name's origin: according to some scholars "Nanto" may derive its name from the Celtic word for stream, watercourse, while others think it comes from the Germanic personal name Nanth, although legends say that the town existed in Roman times, under the name of Nantona.
History: Nanto's territory was inhabited since the most ancient times, as findings in Trane cave prove. Many objects dating back to Roman times have been found in this area, which was famous for its quarries of soft white stone. The first time we find Nanto mentioned in an official source is a 1023 document in which Emperor Conrad II bestowd the town onto the Bishop of Vicenza. A Counts of Nanto family later ruled the town, and built a castle in its domain. The castle was eventually destroyed by condottiere Ezzelino of Romano. Due to its central position, Nanto was to suffer during the wars between Ezzelino and the Paduans, Vicenza and Padua and between the Republic of Venice and the Cambrai League. In 1736 64 French soldiers and their officers stayed in Nanto as they marched south.
Mostra Vini DOC Colli Berici la seconda domenica di maggio a Ponte di Nanto
NantoPietra a Nanto negli anni dispari, NantoPoesia in luglio
Festa del Tartufo e dell''ulivo dei Colli Berici in luglio.
Pro Loco Nanto, Ass. Alpini
Club Anziani
Club Alcolisti
Gruppo Auto Aiuto
Gruppo Donatori di Sangue AVIS
Polisportiva Gymnasium
Gruppo Danze "Lady Sissi"
Gruppo Combattenti
Ass. Culturale Don Pietro Alessi
Amici del Cuore
Gruppo Solidarietà
Gruppo Sportivo Nanto
Fed. Caccia
Ass. Artigiani
Biblioteca Nanto
Gruppo Genitori
A.R.J.I. (Ass. dei Ressortissanti).
Council's PR:
Tel. 0444.699033
Fax: 0444.639065
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. 0444.760641
Fax: 0444.639065
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Ragioneria e Tributi
Tel. 0444.639033
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Biblioteca Comunale
Piazza del Simposio
Consorzio Pro Loco Colli Berici - Basso Vicentino:
Piazza del Simposio, 3
Tel. 0444.638188
Fax 0444.639403
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(Apertura: lun. – sab. 08.30-12.30)
Noventa Vicentina

Noventa Vicentina
More information is available on Noventa Vicentina's official website at:
Piazza IV Novembre
Population: 8.311.
Families: 3.235.
Districts: Saline, Caselle ed Are..
AMSL height: minimum 14 m, maximum 16 m.
Road-network: town's roads km. 75,21 - statal roads km. 6,02 - provincial roads km. 11,59 - private roads km. 2,25.
Market-day: Tuesdays.
Patron Saint: S. Vito, S.Modesto and S.Crescenzia.
Name's origin: from the Latin words "novus", "novalis", "nova", ie, land "recently" put to cultivation.
History: It was a fortified outpost in the early Middle Ages. A 1210 paper says it is one of Vicenza's Bishop's many possessions. In 1240 Ezzelino of Romano destroyed the castle, while the town was pillaged in 1313 or 1314 during the wars between the Veronese and the Paduans.
Carnevale in Piazza ultima domenica di Carnevale
Rottura delle uova la mattina di Pasqua: Si gioca a coppie e l'obiettivo è rompere il guscio dell'avversario.
Sagra dell'Ottava I domenica dopo Pasqua
Premiazioni cittadini noventani meritevoli 1 maggio
Sagra alle Fioccarde mese di maggio
Sagra alle Saline mese di maggio
Giro delle Ville Venete con auto d'epoca mese di maggio
Rassegna cinofila mese di luglio
Antica Fiera di San Luigi: II domenica di luglio Organizzazione: Pro Loco
Sagra del Redentore alle Are III domenica di luglio
Festa dello Sport mese di ottobre
Giornata della C.R.I. mese di ottobre
Mostra di funghi, zucche, piante e prodotti autunnali mese di ottobre
Stagione di Prosa inizio mese di novembre
Concerti di Natale mese di dicembre
Presepio viaggiante mese di dicembre
Mercatino dell'usato prima domenica di ogni mese
Market-day: Tuesdays
Council's PR:
Tel. 0444.788511
Fax: 0444.760156
Ufficio Segreteria:
Tel. 0444.788520
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. 0444.788527
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Tecnico - Edilizia Privata:
Tel: 0444.788535
Fax: 0444.788533
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Tecnico - Lavori Pubblici - Ecologia e Ambiente:
Tel. 0444.788518
Fax: 0444.788540
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Servizi Demografici:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Servizi Sociali:
Tel. 0444.860576
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Police station:
Tel. 0444.788541
Fax: 0444.788542
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Public library:
Tel. 0444.860221
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More information is available on Orgiano's official website at:
Via Roma, 9
36040 Orgiano (VI)
Districts: Pilastro, Spessa.
Area: 18.11 Kmq
AMSL: 43m
Population: 3212
Name's origin: Many local scholars and historians have given an opinion about the town's name's origin: the most credited one is that the town was given its name in Roman times after the Aurelia family, who might have had properties in this area
History: that Orgiano was inhabited in Roman times is proved by two carved stones walled in the Town-Hall's facade. One reads "M.Terentio" (to Marcus Terentius). It was later inhabited by the invading Longobards, as the many tombs of theirs that have been found testify. In the 11th century Orgiano was a rich town, housing the headquarters of a Vicariato Maggiore (an important administrative district), to which belonged ten minor villages: Agugliaro, Asigliano, Campiglia, Campolongo, Fogiascheda, S. Germano, Noventa, Poiana, Sossano e Villa del Ferro. Two castles protected the town: one on the hill, the other one on the plain, both strategically located. The upper one was to have a troubled life: often sieged by the Veronese and the Paduans, until its destruction in 1313. In 1431 the town's council drew up its "Statuta Communis Orgiani", an interesting collection of civic laws that was to set the standards for all similar exploits in Vicenza in the years to follow. Orgiano ceased to be a Vicariato in 1797, when the Republic of Venice ended. A curious episode in local history occurred in 1897, when 32 women were arrested for assaulting the Town-Hall, after the priest set them on the anti-clericalist mayor. They were all acquitted.
Gare di orienteering sul Monte delle Piume in febbraio
Festa della Primavera in marzo
Csi: Pasquetta in colle per tutti
Sagra di Pilastro in maggio
Concorso “Orgiano Fiorita” in maggio
Serate Giovani in Valcisana in giugno
Festa delle associazioni in luglio
Rassegna "Teatro e musica in corte rurale" in corti diverse le sere d''estate
Sagra di San Gaetano il 7 agosto
Festa dell''anziano in settembre
Festa dei Santi in novembre
Orgiano in Piazza e Mostra Mercato dei frutti perduti dei Colli Berici in autunno
Marcia non competitiva "Ultimo passo d''Autunno" l''8 dicembre.
Pro Loco di Orgiano (Via Caliari)
A.C. Pilastro, A.I.D.O.
Ass. Artigiani
Ass. Coldiretti
Public library
C.S.I. Orgiano
C.S.I. Pilastro
Club Biancorosso
Ass. Commercianti
Consulta Anziani
FIDAS, Gruppo Alpini
Gruppo Missionario
Pescasportiva Aureliana
Sez. Combattenti e Reduci
Sez. del Fante
Council's PR
Tel. 0444.874038
Fax 0444.874627
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Anagrafe/Protocollo
Tel. 0444.775001
Area Finanziaria
Tel. 0444/775126
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Biblioteca Civica
Via Dante Alighieri, 5 - Orgiano ( VI )
telefono: 0444/774199
Fax: 0444/874627
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Postale
Via Libertà 37/A
Tel. 0444.774132
Pojana Maggiore

Pojana Maggiore
More information is available on Pojana Maggiore's official website at:
Via Matteotti, 49
36026 Pojana Maggiore (VI)
Districts: Cagnano, Cicogna
Localities: Pezze Lunghe
Area: 28.47 Kmq
AMSL height: 14
Population: 4235 (dicembre 1999)
Market-day: Friday mornings, Piazza IV Novembre - Pojana Maggiore (VI)
Name's origin: Pojana's name comes from the Longobardic terms "plojum, plojana" which became common after the Longobardic invasions of 600 - 700 a.D., which mean "cultivated land".
History: Pojana Maggiore is the southernmost Comune in the Vicenza provinceè. Its territory, where once the river Adige used to run, was inhabited by man since Neolithic times, as some pottery-findings prove. Emperor Augustus allotted this reion to veteran soldiers, as a token of gratefulness, to claim and cultivate.
Nueva Noche musica e arte in giugno
Sagra di Cagnano "S.S. Pietro e Paolo" in giugno
Luglio Pojanese musica e arte in luglio
Sagra di Pojana Maggiore "Madonna di settembre"
Festa dell''Artigianato in settembre a Cagnano
Sagra dei Sabbioni a Cagnano in ottobre.
Pro Loco (Via Matteotti 49)
Gruppo Alpini
Gruppo Fanti
Gruppo Culturale LA TERRA DELLE IDEE
S.O.G.IT. associazione di volontariato.
Council's PR:
Tel. 0444.89803
Fax 0444.898783
Servizi demografici socio culturali:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ragioneria - Bilancio:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Servizio Edilizia Privata - Urbanistica (Ufficio Tecnico):
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Public library
presso sede municipale:
Tel. 0444.898033
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Police station:
Tel. 0444.794328
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Post office:
Via Matteotti 15
Tel. 0444.794146

More information is available on Sarego's official website at:
Piazza Umberto I°, 8
36040 Sarego (VI)
Area:23,90 kmq
AMSL height: 33 min - 270 max
Council's PR
Tel. 0444.830744
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More information available on Sossano's official website at:
Piazza Mattini, 1
36040 Sossano (VI)
Market-day: Saturday mornings, Via Roma.
Name's origin: according to 16th century historian Francesco Barbarano "the town is called Celsano, ie, healthy sky, because the air here is healthy, and the weather is always fine".
Sossano cheerly took up this good reputation and decided to put on its coat-of-arms a silver band with the Latin writ "Coelsanus", a shining star and waxing moon with two stars.
Eventi paesani:
Sagra Patronale di San Teobaldo
Sagra di San Michele Arcangelo
Carnevale - sfilata di carri mascherati e rogo della "stria"
Pasquetta in colle e "festa degli aquiloni"
Festa delle castagne
Mercatino di Natale
Council's PR:
Tel. 0444.888695
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Uffici Ragioneria, economato , personale, archivio e protocollo, inventario beni mobili:
Tel. 0444.888695
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Servizi Tributari, demografici, culturali e del tempo libero, socio assistenziali, commerciali e delle attività produttive
Tel. 0444.885220 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tecnici, tecnico manutentivi, patrimonio , contratti, lavori pubblici, ecologia e ambiente
Tel. 0444.885904
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Polizia municipale
Tel. 0444.885220
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Val Liona

Val Liona
More information is available on Villaga's official website at:
. Town-Hall:
Via Verdi, 32
36020 Villaga (VI)
Districts: Belvedere, Pozzolo, Toara.
Area: 23.50 Kmq
AMSL height: 45m
Population: 1836 (in 2001)
Name's origin: from the Latin villa, farm, rural village.
History: on Monte Tondo archaeologists have found some Bronze Age items that most likely belonged to the Palaeoveneti fortification system so widespread in the Berici-Euganei area. Numerous and diverse are the remnants of Roman inhabitation: the most significant being some chiselled columns found in a ditch. In 12th and 13th century papers Villaga is said to belong to Barbarano's curtis. From those papers we also know that Toara was an independent parish, not subject to Vicenza's Bishop's control, who did anyway try many times to extend his power over it. Since Villaga was not independent, there was no castle on its territory, so the castle named in a 1495 document as hora castri Villaga Barbarani, what was probably implied was the still existent Belvedere's castle.
Antica Sagra di Belvedere in agosto
Festa di Sant''Anna a Villaga in luglio
Festa d’Estate a Pozzolo in luglio.
A.C. Villaga
Comitati Sagra di Villaga
Pozzolo e Toara.
Tel. 0444.886037
Fax 0444.886731
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Postale:
Via Verdi
Tel. 0444.886048

More information is available on Villaga's official website at:
. Town-Hall:
Via Verdi, 32
36020 Villaga (VI)
Districts: Belvedere, Pozzolo, Toara.
Area: 23.50 Kmq
AMSL height: 45m
Population: 1836 (in 2001)
Name's origin: from the Latin villa, farm, rural village.
History: on Monte Tondo archaeologists have found some Bronze Age items that most likely belonged to the Palaeoveneti fortification system so widespread in the Berici-Euganei area. Numerous and diverse are the remnants of Roman inhabitation: the most significant being some chiselled columns found in a ditch. In 12th and 13th century papers Villaga is said to belong to Barbarano's curtis. From those papers we also know that Toara was an independent parish, not subject to Vicenza's Bishop's control, who did anyway try many times to extend his power over it. Since Villaga was not independent, there was no castle on its territory, so the castle named in a 1495 document as hora castri Villaga Barbarani, what was probably implied was the still existent Belvedere's castle.
Antica Sagra di Belvedere in agosto
Festa di Sant''Anna a Villaga in luglio
Festa d’Estate a Pozzolo in luglio.
A.C. Villaga
Comitati Sagra di Villaga
Pozzolo e Toara.
Tel. 0444.886037
Fax 0444.886731
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Postale:
Via Verdi
Tel. 0444.886048

More information is available on Zovencedo's official website at:
Via Roma, 1
36020 Zovencedo (VI)
Districts: San Gottardo.
Localities;: Gazzo.
Area: 9.08 Kmq
AMSL height: San Gottardo 420m e Zovencedo 360m
Population: 898 (in 2001)
Name's origin: some connect the town's name with Juppiter-Jovis, Sede Jovis (Juppiter's Seat), while others relate it to the Latin word Jugum (hills).
History: Zovencedo's territory comprises 12 hills. Many watercourses run in this territory, the largest ones being the Liona Stream and the Gazzo Stream that runs from S.Gottardo to Acque di Pederiva, where it joins the Liona. The earliest information about Zovencedo date back to the Middle Ages, when it was part of Barbarano fief, which was bestowed on Vicenza's Bishop in the 10th century by the kings Hugh and Lothar of Provence. The castle is first mentioned in a 1158 decree signed by Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. The Bishop lost the castle to the Counts Maltraversi, who lost it to the Ezzelini in 1316; it eventually became the Town's Hall. All that remains of the castle now is a tower and some other buildings, all turned into private dwellings. St.Nicholas' Church was built in the11th century, and in the 12th it became an independent parish. From official papers we know that from at least as early as the 13th century the Bishop of Trento took care of appointing German-speaking priests to this parish, another proof of the presence of migrants from Bavaria in Berici Hills during the Middle Ages: not by chance the little church built in the 14th century in homonymous village was dedicated to St.Gotthard, a popular Bavarian saint. Unfortunately, this ancient village church was lately destroyed. After the Council of Trento two religious brotherhoods were established in Zovencedo with the aim of galvanizing religious feelings amongst the population, the Brotherhood of the Holiest Sacrament and that of the Rosary, but they were both suppressed during the Napoleonic governament.
Sagra di San Gottardo - prima domenica di maggio
Sagra di San Luca - quarta domenica d''ottobre.
Festa della Pentecoste - prima settimana di giugno
Festa della comunità di fine settembre - terza settimana di settembre
Festa di Santa Barbara in località Gazzo
"Estate insieme" - nei mesi di luglio ed agosto per la durata di gg.20 manifestazioni varie
Pro Val Liona
Associazione culturale "Il Narratore" (tel. 0444.893371).
Servizi, demografici, culturali e del tempo libero, socio assistenziali, commerciali e delle attività produttive, segreteria, archivio e protocollo:
Tel. 0444.893065
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ragioneria, tributi, economato , personale, inventario beni mobili:
Tel: 0444.893065
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tecnici, tecnico manutentivi, patrimonio , contratti, lavori pubblici, ecologia e ambiente:
Tel: 0444.893065
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tecnici, edilizia privata ed urbanistica:
Tel. 0444.893065
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ufficio Postale:
Via Roma, 1
Tel. 0444.893042
Polizia Municipale Intercomunale:
Tel. 0444.831111
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Biblioteca comunale:
Via Roma, 6
Tel. 0444.893065