Traditional Recipes

Risotto with hop buttons
Ingredients for 4:
1 tablespoon extra-virgin Berici Hills olive oil, 40 gr. butter, 1 shallot, 500 gr. hop buttons, 300 gr. Vialone nano rice, grated parmesan cheese, salt and pepper, vegetable broth, 1 glass dry white wine.
Warm up the oil in a no-sticking pot, then let the finely chopped shallot brown in it; add the hop buttons and cook for 5 minutes. Add the rice and let it toast, then pour the wine. Salt and pepper. Add the broth little by little, as it dries up. When the rice is cooked, add the butter and parmesan cheese and let it melt.

Vicenza cod with Maranello flour polenta
Ingredients for 6:
l and 1/4 kg. dried cod, maranello maiz flour, white flour, salt, pepper, extra-virgin Berici Hills olive oil, 2 finely sliced onions, 6 chopped anchovies, 2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 glass of dry white wine, 1/3 lt milk, grated parmesan cheese.
Let the onions, the anchovies and cloves brown in a large pot, in the warm oil. Pour the wine and let it dry. Pound the cod flat, pass it in the cheese and flour, chop it and put it into the pot. Cover with milk and let it simmer for about 4 hours, until it gets creamy and soft. .
Serve it with hot maranello maiz polenta and Barbarano wine.

Country herbs omelette
Ingredients for 4:
5 eggs, butter, Extra-virgin Berici Hills olive oil, sparrow grass, catchfly, purslane, salt, pepper, 1 spring onion..
Fry the finely chpped herbs and spring onion in the butter and oil in a large pan for 5 minutes. Add the whisked eggs, salt and pepper and cook. Serve it with Berici Hills Sauvignon.

Lumignano Rice and Peas
Ingredients for 4:
500 gr. Lumignano peas, 2 tablespoons extra-virgin Berici Hills olive oil, 40 gr. butter, 1 onion, 1 celery stalk, 300 gr. Vialone nano rice, meat broth, salt, pepper, grated parmesan cheese, garlic, water where the peas' hulks have been cooked .
Fry the chopped onion, garlic and celery stalk with the oil, butter, salt and pepper in a non-sticking pot. add the peas, let them cook for a few minutes then add the rice, and slowly add more broth and the huls' water as the risotto dries up. The final risotto must be like a thick soup. Sprinkle with cheese and let it melt.

Berici Hills Cabernet risotto
Ingredients for 4:
350 gr. Vialone nano rice, 60 gr. butter, 1 shallot, meat broth, 1/2 bottle of Berici Hills cabernet, salt, pepper, grated parmesan cheese.
Chop the shallot and let it fry in the butter,pour the wine and let it simmer for about 5 minutes, add the rice and let it absorb all the wine. Let it cook adding a little broth a time. Salt and pepper. The final risotto must be like a thick soup. Add the cheese and let it melt.