How to get there: Autostrada A4 VE-MI. Exit at Montecchio and drive south to Lonigo (13.2 km.). Shorter way: exit at Montebello. From Vicenza: drive to Montecchio then take 500 statale road to Lonigo. If driving down Riviera Berica road: in Noventa take S. Feliciano provincial road to Lonigo (16.6 km).
Villa Pisani Bonetti in Bagnolo

Villa Pisani Bonetti in Bagnolo
The villa was designed by Palladio in 1544 for the Venetian Pisani brothers; it was built on the ruins of the famous Nogarole family's castle, confiscated in 1523 by the governament: the two large towers on the sides of the facade are a reminescence of the castle.
The main hall, where the Pisanis carried out their governamental duties, was frescoed by Francesco Torbido, a pupil of Giulio Romano.
Via Risaie, 1 – Bagnolo di Lonigo
Tel. 0444.831104
Fax 0444.835517
Ref. Federica Fochesato (Secretary)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.villapisani.net
The ground floor, basement and garden are open to visits. Open all year round on request 9 am-12/2 pm-6pm. Entrance fee: € 7,00. Groups of 15 or more: € 6,00. Children's reduction. Partial disabled facilities. Bus and car park available.
Villa Pisani Ferri - "La Rocca Pisana"

Villa Pisani Ferri - "La Rocca Pisana"
This villa was commissioned in 1576 to Scamozzi by Vettore Pisani, who needed a safe place for him and his family to shelter while Venice was devastated by a terrible pestilence. The square-shaped villa is topped by a dome; the main facade is opened by a ionic columnate. Visits on request: tel. 0444.831625.
Via Rocca, 1
Tel. 0444.831625
Fax 049 8765819
March-November: on Tuesdays; 3pm-5.30pm on request only for groups of minimum 10 people. Admission fee: € 5,00 per visitor. No disabled facilities. Car park.
Ex-voto Museum

Ex-voto Museum
It is one of the most important collections of its kind, as it conserves around 400 tablets and numerous ex-voto metal sheets, which cover a range from the late 1400s to the 1700s. Eighteenth-century testimonies are more rare. The oldest tablet is an ex-voto by Filippo Campese dating back to 1492. Summer period, Sunday 11-12, 16-17.30. Winter period Sunday 11-12, 15-16.30. For groups: tel. 0444.830502.
Via Madonna, 18
Tel./Fax 0444.830502 (parish - call before fax)
Cell. 334 7546589 (museum)
Ref .: parish priest / priest (phone 0444/830502) for pilgrimages. Simona Tozzo (phone 334 7546589) for guided tours of the sanctuary and the museum.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.madonnadeimiracoli.org
Church: every day 8.00-12.00 / 14.00-18.00
From October to March: Sunday 15.30-17.00
From April to September: Sunday 16.30-18.00
The museum is closed if Sunday coincides with a holiday. For other days and times, contact the telephone number provided. For groups (minimum 15 people) it is possible to book the opening week at least 15 days in advance. Free offer. Disabled accessibility: total. Disabled disabled facilities: no. Car parking: available. Bus parking: available (2 places).
Palazzo Pisani

Palazzo Pisani
The building, now the municipal seat, was built by the Pisani family in 1564 and is considered the work of Sanmicheli. The north façade closes the square, while the south facade appears to those arriving in Lonigo as a scenic gateway to the city. Visible only outside. Sanctuary of the Madonna dei Miracoli.
The inhabitants of Lonigo built the church and the adjacent convent, resorting to artists such as Alvise Alberti da Montagnana, following a miracle happened in 1486 when two shoemakers, hidden in the church of S. Pietro in Lamentese to divide a booty, scared the image of the Madonna, depicted on the wall of the church, which began to bleed. The place soon became a pilgrimage destination. The chapel of the Madonna is the oldest nucleus and preserves the ancient image, of which it seems interesting to point out the unusual iconography in which we see the Virgin before the tree of Redemption, with Christ and the 12 apostles.
Piazza Garibaldi, 1
Tel. 0444.720217 (Culture Office - Municipality of Lonigo)
Fax 0444 834887
Website: www.comune.lonigo.vi.it
Visit the piano nobile and the "Carlotto" Ornithological Museum by appointment. Free admission.
Teatro Comunale

Teatro Comunale
It is the only historical theater of the 19th century: it was built by the architect Giovanni Carraro in 1891-92. Inside you can admire the decoration of the Venetian hall Giuseppe Dolcetta which in the round of the ceiling represented the Triumph of Apollo. In the proscenium are putti and bouquets of flowers, with a frieze representing two griffins holding a clock, the work of Giuseppe Regagioli, as the decoration of the boxes where you can see trophies of arms and festoons.
Piazza Matteotti, 1
Tel./Fax 0444.835010
Ref .: Vasco Sinicato (President)
Website: www.comune.lonigo.vi.it
Open from October to May. Free entry on request by fax. For groups and school groups, guided tours of the technical facilities, the stage and the booking room. Availability for shows, concerts and ballets. Disabled accessibility: partial. Services equipped for disabled people: yes.
Villa Giovanelli, appartenente all'ordine dei Pavoniani

Villa Giovanelli, appartenente all'ordine dei Pavoniani
The villa, with a short façade between the two turrets with rounded corners, is notable for its representative rooms: the honor hall that boasts a monumental black marble fireplace, you can admire three large allegorical canvases by Mosè Bianchi, to whom the ceiling of the Library is also that of the Sala della Musica. In the Hall of stuccowork you can admire the ceiling that performed the Scrosati in 1855-57.
The architectural complex also includes the ancient Benedictine abbey dedicated to the S.S. Fermo and Rustico. The entrance is interesting, by Francesco Bagnara.
Visits by appointment: tel. 0444.830067 - 0444.830335