How to get there: driving down statale 247 Riviera Berica road, 16 km south of Vicenza. Panoramic road: from Monte Berico driving down Dorsale dei Berici road, turn left to Nanto.
Autostrada A4 VE-MI: from Grisignano exit, 13.2 km.
Villa Barbaran Grassi

Villa Barbaran Grassi
This villa was probably built at the end of the 16th century on an old Gothic building by Bonfi family of Padua, whose coat-of-arm can be seen over the porch.
In 1580 the Bonfis sold some of the land in the vicinity of their villa to the town of Vicenza, where a salpetre quarry was established, and was still there in the 18th century. The villa is C-shaped, and it develops around the porch; two staircases on the side lead to the first floor, where we can read the religious motto "Dulce Lignum-Dulce Signum-Dulce Refrigerium".
Some traces of frescoes, possibly a work of Brusasorci, can still be seen.
Via Madonnetta
Trene's source Caves

Trene's source Caves
These three caves, near the source of the Trene brook, are a typical example of natural cavities adapted as shelters. There are traces of door-structures at the entrance of all of them. In the one called the Fortress-cave of Trene we can also see loopholes on the sides of the door. In another cave we can see a 16th-century inscription.
Via Olivari
Holy Mary's Parish Church

Holy Mary's Parish Church
In the new church, built in 1897, we can see the precious altars of the ancient one, as well as the group of statues of the Virgin and Child, St.Rocco and St. Sebastian by Vincenzo and Gian Gerolamo Grandi, the 1509 altar by Antonio Antico and an early 15th century statue of Mary. We can also see pieces that once belonged to the old Curch of St.Paul: the 1509 cyborium by Silvestro Larnara, with angels guarding the tabernacle, and the 1480's canvas with the Virgin and Child, St.Peter and St.Paul.
Via Cà Bassa, 1
Villa Bembo Montemezzo and its oratory

Villa Bembo Montemezzo and its oratory
The villa, now owned by the Montemezzo family, was built for the Bembo family; in 1712 Giovanni Antonio Bembo had the Chapel of St.Anthony erected. Inside the chapel, a canvas by Francesco Menarola.
Via Riviera Berica