How to get there: Autostrada A4 VE-MI. Exit in Montecchio Maggiore and drive south towards Lonigo(10.2 km.), or: exit in Montebello. From Vicenza, drive to Montecchio Maggiore then take the statale 500 road to Lonigo (20 km). From Riviera Berica: in Noventa drive down S. Feliciano provinciale road to Lonigo, then move north to Sarego.
Villa da Porto Zordan La Favorita, in Monticello di Fara

Villa da Porto Zordan La Favorita, in Monticello di Fara
This villa was designed in 1715 by Muttoni. The six-columned pronaos dominates a large staircase. The statues are a work of pupils of the Marinalis. Inside, frescoes of unknown artist. A 1697 chapel out of the walls.
Via Strada della Favorita
Loc. Monticello di Fara
Tel. 0444.421201(hotel Alla Pieve, Chiampo) Cell. 335 7685710
Fax 0444.421271
Ref. Mr Gianluca Cattazzo
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Open all year round on previous request. Entrance fee: € 4. Groups of at least 15 people: € 2,00. Partial disabled access/ facilities. Car and bus parking area available
Villa Trissino, in Meledo

Villa Trissino, in Meledo
This villa, designed for the Trissinos, mecenas of Palladio, was one of the famous architect's many works that were never completed. We can stills traces of the 15th-century building, near which Palladio's tower and porch were built.
Via Trissino
Villa Manzoni Valcasara
Via Manzoni, 4
Tel. 0444.830519
Fax 0444.831651
Ref. Ms Teresa Valcasara
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Open all year round on previous request. Entrance fee: € 3. Groups: € 3. Disabled access/facilities. Available for ceremonies and events. Accomodation available. Bus and car parking area available